Panama has a lot to offer, and we want you to consider it as your next destination!
Whether you are coming for a full holiday, a working trip or even a stop over to your next destination, come and explore what Panama City has to offer.
Panama is the perfect place for you: It’s warm, welcoming, and full of culture.
However, here is the basic information of Panama City, all the things that you should know before you come hereso that you can have a great time in our country.
Official language: Spanish, but there are other indigenous languages. You may be surprised, but most of the people on the streets won’t speak any English.
Currency: Balboa (PAB) and US Dollars.
The country adopted the US Dollar in 1904 but keep the Balboa (1 PAB = 1 USD) too.
You can find coins of 1 PAB, 50 cts of PAB and quarter of PAB.
Those coins cannot be used outside Panama, so you better spend them in the country.
Credit cards and cash: Cards are accepted in all shops, restaurants and in all hotels. You will need cash to buy handcrafts or in very small shops. Checks are not accepted anywhere.
Climate: Humid season (from May to December) and dry season (from January to April)
Plugs: The plugs in Panama are types A and B. The standard voltage is 110 V.
Public transportation: There’s a subway with 3 lines, but it doesn’t go to the main visiting places.
There’s also Metrobus which are official buses with a very low rate and there’s also unauthorized buses called Diablos Rojos (Red Devils) which are very interesting to ride in if you have a wish for adventure.
Taxis, Uber and Indriver: Yellow taxis in Panama are not exclusive for one passenger, they will pool other travelers without your consent, and the drivers are not very polite.
But isn’t that everywhere?
So we strongly recommend you use a local guide or driver from your hotel or all the multiple transport platforms like Uber, Indriver and Moover.
The people of Panama are great
Panamanians are friendly, and they’re very proud of their country.
You’ll find them to be very proud of their history (which goes back further than most countries) and culture.
Panama is a beautiful country with warm weather the whole year.
It’s surrounded by water from the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
It’s also very safe, so you can enjoy yourself without worrying about your safety.
Panama is not cheap
Panama is not cheap. In fact, the cost of living here can be higher than in many countries of Latin America.
The cost of food will vary depending on where you are and what type of food you want to eat, but generally speaking it’s going to be slightly cheaper than a large city like New York or Los Angeles (unless you’re talking about imported goods from North America).
If you or your family likes seafood or meat, it might be wise to have some extra cash set aside for eating out since those meats tend to be pricier than chicken breast or fish fillet.
The weather isn't always great
Though it’s true that Panama is a tropical country, the weather isn’t always great.
The dry season runs from December through April and is generally hot, humid and windy.
The rainy season lasts from May to November, but don’t let that scare you away!
It rains less than in other countries in Central America and it’s always warm in the city.
If you’re planning on visiting during the rainy season, just be prepared with an umbrella or just be patient while the rain dries out, il generally last just a couple of ours.
You can get by in Spanish, but it helps if you know some slang
The official language is Spanish, but you will need some time to adjust to the accent. It helps if you know some slang for when you’re talking to Panamanians about the culture around you.
The Spanish in Panama is a mixture of the different languages that came to the region. So there are many influences from other cultures and languages. You can find those mixes in the name of the neighborhoods, like Perejil (that comes from Perez Hill) and Arraiján (that comes from At Right Hand).
Here’s a couple of expression that could be very helpful on your trip:
¿Qué xopá loco? – What’s up bro?
¡Ayala vida! Olvidé mi cartera – ¡Oh gosh! I forgot my wallet
Vamos a birriar fútbol – Let’s play soccer
Buco (comes from Beaucoup in french)- A lot
Hola Fren (comes from friend), ¿cómo estás? – Hi friends, how are you?
We have a lot of holidays throughout the year, so please double check before your trip if you need to visit a government office or bank.
On holidays most shops are open as well as restaurants, but the banks and government buildings are closed.
In most of those holidays there’s a prohibition on sell of alcohol everywhere (restaurants and supermarkets).
November is the month of “Fiestas Patrias” the most important national celebration and there’s a lot of holidays (the 6th, the 10th and the 28th).
Panama City it’s a beautiful, with a lot of history, and I hope you have an opportunity to visit.
If you do, remember that the people here are not just nice—they’re also kind, caring and generous. Their culture is rich and diverse; the weather is always warm and they have many holidays throughout the year!
But most importantly: don’t forget your sunscreen!
So remember, when you are ready to visit the city, with a certified bilingual tour guide, who can really show you the beauties of this marvelous city of Panama, just click here and and Tour Now will send you a guide right away.